What are the differences between a structural furler and Code sail furler?
The structural furler supports the mast and also furls the sail – whereas a Code sail furler enables only to roll in and out the flying sail. In case of structural furler, the forestay wire between mechanisms is made of stainless steel or…
Why use a structural furler rather than a standard furling system?
The only reason is: performance.
As weight in highs is the enemy of performance, the structural furler offers the possibility of drastically reducing it.
For example, on a 35 ’boat, a structural furler weighs 3.5 kg compared to 25 kg…
What charge for a structural furler?
The load of a structural furler is defined by the stainless steel wire that the furler will replace (the boat sizes given are only indicative).
Structural furler: endless line or classic drum?
The endless line is more compact than a drum (to optimize the luff length) and has the advantage of having a larger maneuvering Ø to provide less torque effort (prevent from line overlapping). However, you need a deck plan suitable for the…
Can I partially furl my headsail when it is fitted on a structural furler?
No, you cannot. The structural furlers are used as in/out furler. Partial furling is not possible.
Can I hoist and lower my sail easily?
For structural furlers fitted with wire equivalent to 1 × 19 of 7 mm and less :
We offer simple hoisting and lowering solutions.
The STB has a sheave integrated into the swivel to lower the halyard along the luff.
The STG comes standard…
Is it possible to vary the forestay length to adjust the shape of my mast?
Structural furlers with wires equivalent to 1 × 19 of 7 mm and less are delivered with adjusting link plates allowing the length of the forestay to be adjusted.
For larger sizes, this adjustment is generally made through a textile attachment…
What do the names of the structural furler correspond to?
The trade names (STK 5T, STK9T,…) correspond to the working load of the equivalent Rod cable (refer to the chart).
Up to what size of stainless steel wired forestay can a structural furler be used?
Facnor structural furlers can be used for forestay up to 7 mm diameter.
Beyond, it is necessary to go for a structural furler fitted on textile forestay.
What are the different possible configurations for a structural furler?
A structural furler can be configured in different ways: with various upper and lower end fitting. Many endings are possible (swivel eye at the bottom, twin spool or lashing eye at the top ..). In addition, the endings are switchable as they…